Hope all had a good holiday season.
On the agenda: talk about "possible" healthcare reform. Also, politics and the politics of gutlessness on the parts of our leaders (time permitting).
Actually gutlessness is nothing new in politics. During most of American history, politicans have been pretty gutless in upholding the rights of individuals and very much in granting special rights of the soul-less corporations and special interests.
Matters not healthcare or civil rights (King was not happy with liberals in Democratic party as a matter of fact prior to his death) or labor/working folks rights and on and on.
That "gutless" policy actually predates the revolutionary war. Corporate giveaways (welfare) is nothing new.
We also will remind folks that if we wish picnic, folks must be on board to help committee. Since we are spread over half the state of Missouri and parts of Il, getting a central point and time will be difficult.
Also, we will discuss somewhat "election year" and the fact that some groups like trotting out the "oldfolks" as props. My political action committee will have the problem of presenting the Democratic Party as the folks that will get things done when most folks have some indication that the dems have been pretty gutless and that some of the dems could be republicans with no problem.
We shall also mention "canco movie" currently being passed around.