Thursday, March 5, 2009

Obama's health care mistake

President Obama is making a grave error. He has excluded the Nurse's Associations promoting HR676 from his upcoming health care conference.

Several of the members have called the White House and or sent e-mails. If you support the "Medicare for All Americans Act" you might wish to call and call soon.

Excluding our guys from productive imput in the mess we call health care in this nation is a grave error on the parts of the elected ones. We admit that HR 676 will not solve all the health care woes of the land, but it is the best proposal currently in congress. This plan is the closest proposal to our "old time" canco insurance, which was vastly superior to the current mess we all enjoy thanks to the greedy companies.

From Nurses's e-letter:

The voice of single payer has been shut out of the Obama Health Care Summit. Nurses, Doctors, Patients and millions of other activists do not have a voice at the table. Obama promised an open process, instead the only "evidenced-based reform" for health care – single payer – is excluded!
All other groups support keeping the insurance industry in place, even though single payer would generate 2.6 million additional jobs in America while covering every patient!
Nurses worked hard in every state in this country to elect Obama on the belief that their patients would finally have security about that which is most precious - the health of their families. It is not too late!

Call The White House today!Tell them to let single payer into the White House Summit on health care.
(202) 456-1414 or (202) 456-1111
TELL THE PRESIDENT America's HealthcareSolution is HR 676 - Medicare for ALL - Let Us In!

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