It might be necessary to add a bit to these bylaws in the near future. The process to amend and add will be discussed sometimes this summer. NOTE: All bylaw changes must be oked by USW (Soar)
-------------------copied from another Soar site we maintain:
local soar bylaws 11-3
We also will submit to the international the following local bylaws for the Soar group: Note, these are not valid until ratified by International.Bylaws were oked by International (2-07 addition)proposed bylaws for our group Soar 11-3, St. Louis chapter of Soar.NOTE; NO LONGER PROPOSED. INTERNATIONAL HAS OKED AS WRITTEN; JUNE, 2006
We also will submit to the international the following local bylaws for the Soar group: Note, these are not valid until ratified by International.Bylaws were oked by International (2-07 addition)proposed bylaws for our group Soar 11-3, St. Louis chapter of Soar.NOTE; NO LONGER PROPOSED. INTERNATIONAL HAS OKED AS WRITTEN; JUNE, 2006
PreambleWe believe that the welfare of our members is paramount and our organization is dedicated to the advancement of their intrests and the working man's intrests.Our aim will be to promote and protect the interest of the membership, to elevate the moral, intellectual, political and social conditions of all retired men and women, to assist each other in sickness and distress. Although retired, social and political events have endangered our rights and benefits as retired working persons and our families.-----
ARTICLE ONE - Terms of Officea) terms and conditions of office are specified in SOAR manual.b) Eligibility for Elected OfficeSection 1. All other candidates standing for elected office of the Local Union must be members and have been in continuous good standing for ninety (90) days prior to accepting nomination. The requirement for continuous good standing will be effective . This includes members of SOAR 11-3, PACE and Alliance for Retired Americans whom are in the SOAR 11-3 group.Section 2. No member may run for or hold more than one elected office simultaneously, with the exception of chairs of standing committees. The President shall be member of all committees.Section 3. For usage "proof" of good standing, sign in sheets provided at the meetings shall constitute proof as well as paid membership in SOAR 11-3.-----------
Article TWO- RecallSection 1. A SOAR 11-3 officer, against whom charges have been filed, in accordance with the procedure established by of the International Constitution, may be suspended from office pending the outcome of the trial, by a two-thirds (2/3) vote at a membership meeting--------
Article Three - GeneralSection 1. All Local Union officers (Soar 11-3), committees and other members handling funds or other property of the Union shall at the completion of their duties, turn over all papers, documents, funds, and/or other union property to the properly constituted Local Union officers.-------------------------------
Article Four- Death of member/Next of Kin of memberSection 1. A bible will be provided to the surviror of the next of kin in the event of the death of a current SOAR 11-3 member or their immediate next of kin residing with the member.--------------------------
Article Five - Emergency FundSection one a) A minimum of $5.00 ($5) per member shall be kept in the local emergency fund.b) Monies paid out of the emergency fund shall be paid only to or on behalf of SOAR membersc) A Notice of Motion shall be posted for 7 (seven) days in all units before a vote on any withdrawal of more than $ 300 ( 300 dollars) from the emergency fund.d) the president can authorize expenditures of less than $100 (100) dollars for expenses one his own authority for SOAR meeting expenditures and emergencies upon consulation with the executive board. Between membership meetings or membership votes, the Executive Board shall be the highest authority of the Local and shall exercise general administrative authority and shall be empowered to act on behalf of the membership to the extent urgent business requires prompt and decisive action, subject to subsequent membership approval, but the Executive Board may not take action affecting the vital interests of the Local Union without prior membership approval--------------------------------------------
Article Six - By-Law ChangesSection 1 a) Local union by-laws may be amended by two-thirds (2/3) majority vote at any meeting providing that Notice of Motion giving details of the amendment has been posted at least sixty (60) days prior to the vote, admendment changes can be proposed at a local level in writing to the president of the local chapter of SOAR for submission at next meeting (s). Posting shall be done on Soar website in event of such submission.b) All provisions of all chartered local union by-laws not contained herein shall be of no effect until approved in writing by the national executive board nor shall they conflict with federal, state or local laws.c) The national constitution shall take precedence over these by-laws.--------------------------
Article Seven- Additional duty of TreasurerSection 1) The treasurer will, upon request of the individual Soar 11-3 member or spouse submit due payments to the international. Appropriate records shall be kept of such transaction.----------------with elections next month and with our accepting nominations at the breakfasts across the state, keep in mind that only members in good standing can run for office and only "due" paying members in good standing can vote. If you owe, please submit to SOAR payment.
international soar bylaws are on our yahoo site
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