Monday, March 7, 2011

labor demonstration downtown St Louis friday labor tribune

VOL. 74 No. 32 The nation’s largest official labor weekly since 1937 Thursday, March 10-16, 2011 VOL. 74 No. 32 The nation’s largest official labor weekly since 1937 Thursday, March 10-16, 2011

Workers rally this Friday, March
11 @ 4 p.m. downtown St. Louis

Missouri, Southern Illinois workers will have their voices heard: ‘We’re fed up and we’re not going to
takeit anymore!’Bring family,friends, co-workers.Ride, Walk,Crawlifyou haveto,butcome toKienerPlaza

It’s time our voices are heard! The assault is a planned, programmed effort across
This is an open call to all union

America. Wisconsin is the most vis-
members, families and friends in Getting to theible fight where the very essence of
both Missouri and Southern Illi

working families is a stake, as the
nois to let the voices of working Rally, Parking Republicans want to strip workers of
Americans be heard at a massive

the fundamental right of collective

l MetroLink: closest stop is 8th and

Working Families Rally to be held



at 4 p.m. this Friday, March 11

This Friday is your chance to

in Kiener Plaza in downtown St.

stand up and shout, “I won’t take
Louis at 7th and Market Streets. it any more!”
Ample parking is available at public lots only blocks While the rich in America continue to grab more, we
away.the working folks, the middle class of America that has

There is a major assault on working families in Missouri made this nation what it is, are struggling for survival!
with the proposed passage of anti-worker bills to strip This will be the first major rally for Missouri and
minimum wage workers of the increases voted by the public Southern Illinois.
repeal child labor laws, change workers’ compensation, Drive your car, take MetroLink or MetroBus, car pool, walk
the potential of a right-to-work (for less) law to weaken if you have to, but come downtown and join the rally Friday.
unions, and passage of law that would kill a union’s ability Do it for yourself, do it for your family, do it for America’s
to stand up in the political area for workers everywhere. working families need to survive!

Getting to, parking at Kiener Plaza
Missouri to parking garages

l From Interstate 70: Exit on Memorial which jogs onto 8th then jogs onto Stadium
Drive in downtown. Make a right on Market Plazaaroundthestadium,eastoneitherWalnut
Street, left onto Broadway to the Stadium or Market, south on Broadway, Stadium East
East Garage.Garage is on the left.

l From Interstate 64: Exit at 6th St., left l From Interstate 55: Exit on the 2nd
on Gratiot, left on 4th St, north four blocks Broadway exit. North on Broadway, becomes
to Stadium East Garage (on left).4th St,. to Stadium East Garage. OR exit at

l From Interstate 44: Exit at 7th Street. MemorialDr.indowntown.LeftonMarketSt.,
Right off ramp, left on 7th. North on 7th left onto Broadway to Stadium East Garage.

Illinois to parking garages

l I-64/-55/70 (Poplar St. Bridge): Exit l Eads Bridge: Exit I-64 at 3rd St. in
on Memorial Dr., turn left on Market St. East St. Louis. Follow the Casino Queen
and go three blocks. Turn left on Broadway, signs toward the riverfront to the ramps
Stadium East Garage is on left.up to the bridge. On St. Louis side, con-

l Martin Luther King Bridge: West tinue west to Broadway, turn left. South
on Convention Plaza to Broadway, left on on Broadway, seven blocks to the Stadium
Broadway,tenblockstoStadiumEastgarage. East Garage.

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