Thursday, September 1, 2011

Labor Day Parade

Labor Day Parade: On Labor Day, Monday, September 6th, the St. Louis Area Labor Council will sponsor their annual Labor Day Parade.  The St. Louis Police Officers’ Association is marching in the parade. 


The SLPOA Executive Board is asking all available members to march in the parade.

On Labor Day, Monday, September 6th, the St. Louis Area Labor Council will sponsor their annual Labor Day Parade. The St. Louis Police Officers’ Association is marching in the parade.

The SLPOA Executive Board is asking all available members to march in the parade. Spouses, children and girlfriends/boyfriends are welcomed to march with us, as are retirees and their family.

Those who are not members of the SLPOA, but who are employees (commissioned or civilian) of the Police Department are welcomed to join us as well.

This is a perfect time to demonstrate to the citizens of St. Louis, local politicians and the media the strength in numbers the SLPOA and this Department have available. This type of unity will go along way with our upcoming endeavors at the local and state levels.

The SLPOA is assigned to gather on 22nd Street between Olive and Locust. We are asking all to arrive by 8:15AM. The parade commences at 9:00AM.

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