Monday, February 13, 2012

Editorial: Why does Missouri House pass pro-discrimination bills?

Editorial: Why does Missouri House pass pro-discrimination bills?

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The best political advisers make their livings by framing conversations about complicated issues in a way that benefits their side. Lately, Republicans have been much, much better at this than Democrats.

Somehow, the GOP turned much of the nation against a federal health care reform bill that contained many of their own ideas by calling it a "government takeover."

It wasn't, of course, but when Democrats named the bill the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, they'd already lost. Like it or not, how an issue is 'spun" matters because it effects the electorate's views.

Which brings us to two pieces of legislation passed by the Missouri House last week. Both bills, one about voter identification, the other about workplace discrimination rules, do much the same thing: they reduce individual freedom. In a word, they discriminate.

Read more:

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