Saturday, March 17, 2012

Kevin Horrigan: Why not Jesse James?

Kevin Horrigan: Why not Jesse James?

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Jesse James, Rush Limbaugh
The furor over Missouri House Speaker Steve Tilley's decision to honor Rush Limbaugh with a place in the state Capitol's "Hall of Famous Missourians," has done one good thing: It's gotten many people who normally ignore the weird things that go in the Legislature to sit up and take notice.
Worse things go on there every day. The Limbaugh thing isn't a big deal. This is not Cooperstown, for crying out loud. This is a low-rent honor bestowed since 1982 by whoever happens to be speaker of the Missouri House. This one is only 10 grand, paid for by the politicians and lobbyists who show up at the speaker's annual golf tournament. It usually costs way more than 10 grand to get a favor from the speaker.
Can we have a show of hands from those who'd heard of the Hall of Famous Missourians before last week? Thank you both.

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