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As for helping his rich brethren, Romney, like all conservatives, favors letting taxpayers keep more of their own money and decide how to allocate it. It’s self-evident that individuals spend their own money more efficiently than the government can. Stronger growth lifts all boats. It’s a compelling argument, if Romney chooses to make it.
The Republican Party has never been good at selling ideas: powerful ideas, such as freedom, individual responsibility, opportunity, a bigger economic pie. Find people who exemplify your ideals, who pulled themselves up by their own hard work and ingenuity, who did build that business, and drag them to campaign events. Let them tell their inspirational stories.
The idea that the GOP goal is to help the rich at the expense of the poor defies logic. The party’s ideas on how to help the poor may differ from the Democrats’: better education through school choice; creating incentives to work rather than to loaf. But to endure the ordeal of a presidential campaign to help the rich get richer? They may earn the lion’s share of the income, but they don’t control a majority of the votes.
Then there’s Medicare. On Sunday, Obama (or his tweeter- designate) posted a “Twitter pic” with the following: “Fact: Paul Ryan would end Medicare as we know it by turning it into a voucher program costing seniors up to $6,350 a year more.”
The voucher part is true. But Paul Ryan isn’t going to end Medicare as we know it. Medicare is going to do that on its own. The Medicare Trust Fund has been running a cash-flow deficit since 2008 and will go bust in 2024, according to the 2012 report of the trustees of the Social Security and Medicare trust funds.
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