Sunday, September 23, 2012

The Most Anti-Senior Ticket Ever!

The Most Anti-Senior Ticket Ever!

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The Most Anti-Senior Ticket Ever!

Here's what Edward F. Coyle, Executive Director of the Alliance for Retired Americans said today:
RomneyRyanMitt Romney’s choice of Rep. Paul Ryan as his running mate locks in place the most anti-senior ticket ever. These two men have admitted – on the record - the threats that they pose to Medicare and Social Security. One of our worst fears is that Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan will actually keep their promises.

Paul Ryan’s budget plan would end Medicare as we know it by turning it into a voucher system, shifting thousands of dollars in health care costs to seniors. He would also make older workers, who have trouble finding health insurance in the private marketplace, wait until they reach age 67 to qualify for Medicare benefits.

RyanbudgethurtsImagine combining this with Mitt Romney’s plan to require Americans in all sectors, including
physically demanding jobs, to work until age 70 before they can be eligible for the Social Security benefits they have earned. The Romney-Ryan team would end guaranteed benefits on both Social Security and Medicare. What did seniors ever do to them?

The Congressional Budget Office projects that under the Ryan budget, federal Medicare expenditures on behalf of an average  new beneficiary would be $400 to $700 (6 to 11 percent) less in 2023, $1,200 to $2,200 (14 to 23 percent) less in 2030, and $5,900 to  $8,000 (35 to 42 percent) less in 2050 than under current law.

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