Friday, May 29, 2015

Scott Walker is a giant fraud: Reagan worship, bizarre religious beliefs, and the real story of his long crusade for 2016

Scott Walker is a giant fraud: Reagan worship, bizarre religious beliefs, and the real story of his long crusade for 2016



Twelve hours after being declared the winner in the 2010 Wisconsin
governor’s race, Walker sat down with his team to figure out how to
start his first term with a big bang that would put his name on the tips
of the tongues of the politicians and donors who define today’s
Republican Party. Four months later, on the evening before Walker, in
his own words, “dropped the bomb” on teachers, snowplow drivers and
other public-sector workers, he met with his cabinet and, holding up a
photo of Reagan, told them this was his Ronald Reagan moment.

Just as Reagan had started his first term in office with a well-publicized fight with organized labor, so would he.

Reagan used a labor dispute as an opportunity to bust a union, he
didn’t manufacture the conflict with the striking air traffic
controllers. Walker, on the other hand, poured hot grease on a sleeping
cat, announcing a “budget repair bill” that would cut employment
benefits and strip collective bargaining rights from 175,000
public-sector workers.

Now he’s among the front-runners in the
Republican presidential race, welcomed as a breath of fresh air. But if
you listen to his catchphrases, you find they’re almost always Reagan

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