Friday, October 16, 2015

Paul Krugman: Wall Street loves GOP because “with great wealth comes great pettiness”

Paul Krugman: Wall Street loves GOP because “with great wealth comes great pettiness”

Paul Krugman: Wall Street loves GOP because "with great wealth comes great pettiness"EnlargePaul Krugman (Credit: Reuters/Zainal Abd Halim)
New York Times columnist Paul Krugman argued Friday that despite Hillary Clinton’s ostensibly cozy relationship with Wall Street — especially when compared to fellow contender Bernie Sanders — actual Wall Street donors are convinced that the election of any Democrat would be a veritable apocalypse.
According to Krugman, Wall Street was amenable to working with Democrats before the financial crisis of 2008, and though most Americans believe the Obama administration let financial institutions off the hook, those institutions themselves are locked in a struggle with “Obama rage.”

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