What To Look For
To help decide whether TPP lives up to the promises made by those selling it, here are some questions to ask as you read the agreement. Don’t be misdirected by what might have been in TPP or what we were afraid it might do; look at what is in it now and how what is in it will affect our jobs, pay and benefits, our environment, our relationship to the giant corporation and the billionaires and their immense and growing power, and our ability to self-govern and make laws and regulations that benefit and protect us.
In other words, as you read the text of TPP ask what specifically do regular, non-wealthy people in the U.S. get from TPP, and what do regular, non-wealthy people in the U.S. lose?
● How does TPP undo the damage done by past trade agreements that President Obama says “haven’t lived up to their promise”?
● How, specifically, does TPP reverse past outsourcing of U.S. jobs, factories and industries?
● Or are there still NAFTA-style provisions that encourage outsourcing of jobs to low-wage countries like Vietnam?
● How does TPP increase the number of jobs and the pay for regular working people in the U.S. and elsewhere, and by how much?
● Does TPP have provisions that force wages in countries that currently pay very little to rise to a level that approaches U.S. wages? (This would help those workers buy American-made products, too.)
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