One hundred day markers: A lot of folks talk about the first "100" days of the Roosevelt administration and that is the measurement for presidents every since. Press and public mark this as the first "milestone" of an administration, how much progress on presidential project has been made.
For historians, hundred days is a referal the amount of time it took Napoleon to return to power in France from exile to Waterloo loss and the restoration of the King of France (note: it was actually 111 days).
In this case, Obama is not headed for a Waterloo yet (looks like GOP has that honor so far this administration). However, Obama is not accomplishing much of his agenda in that hundred day period and the congress is splinted into factions. GOP and Dems is the major division, but within the dems; blue dogs vs others and more and more divisions. Obama will have to crack the whip more than once on this group even with the defection of Specter to the dem ranks and the addition of Al of Minn to the folds of congress.
For our merry group: Obama is getting a C from myself. He has not pushed "our" agenda and in fact has excluded some of our allies for say, the healthcare summits. Nor has he pushed the Employee Free Choice act. The "on the todo list" of the president is very long and we all have the suspicion he will not be able to achieve much of his agenda. I am patient man, but not a fool; I do smell politics in the air.
Saying that, we still have to do the letter-writing, calls, spred the word thing. I fear the golden days for this group is very much in the future, no matter that $250 check for most at the end of May. Alas, no check for me or a couple others of my political action team. I guess Wall street needed the money.
One word to our allies that have flipped on positions, we all believe over hear at Soar 11-3 that trust is an "earned thing" and we do give folks a period of time to earn that trust. We are not in a compromise mode, and somewhat destest flip floppers, toadys and sycophants in general. We hold our elected ones accountable for what they do and importantly, what they do not do. Obama, has not earned our trust totally; but still early in his administration.
That this administration would treat with kid gloves Wall street folks and then help to smash workers at say the auto plants, anyone really believe that action would be thought highly? That this administration would seat the thieves and murders of the insurance/drug companies at his summit meeting and say exclude the Nurses organizations and other supporters of single payer healthcare reform would excape our notice? We could list more.
Friends and allies, got any explination for the preceeding paragraph? Is my observations and outlinings correct? Again, trust is an earned thing and should Obama keep this course; his grade will be D or F with this group the next hundred days.
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