The vid below gives some good advice to Obama. So far in his 100 days, it looks like man has not kept his healthcare vows. Mr. President, excluding the single-payer folks from healthcare summits is politically a boneheaded approach to solving a very serious problem.
Appointing folks whom are part of the problem is boneheaded as well and not leadership for change. Anyone really believe that members of the same country clubs will actually take corrective action against their buddies? Really believe that politicans, whom accept millions plus of campaign monies from insurance companies/drug folks going to negatively impact those folk's cash flow? The theory is that Mr. Obama, you take charge and get things rolling for the American people; not cave into special interests like insurance/drug companies.
It appears if some of the allies of the "single payer" approach, notably Hr676 have flipped flopped and "multipayer" systems in the works. A word of advice to those folks, when one enters into talks; take not the cheap low road for you will always lose. Why have talks in the first place if you are going to roll over and play dead for powerful special interests like drug/insurance companies and their sycophants (no need dictionary, sycophant is a brown noser)
You Won't Believe These Suez Canal Conspiracies
3 years ago
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