President Barack Obama has announced his pick for the U.S. Supreme Court—Merrick Garland, a distinguished appellate chief judge who received bipartisan support from the Senate for his appointment as judge and, again, when he was mentioned for an earlier Supreme Court vacancy.
The president has done his constitutional duty, but Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and Senate Republican leaders are refusing to do their job. Right after the announcement, McConnell got on television to say Republican leaders will not hold a hearing or vote on Garland or any nominee Obama puts forth.
Republicans are politicizing this issue, but the simple fact of the matter is that this isn’t about politics. It’s about doing the job they were elected to do.
Working people across the country aren’t fooled by these political games. A new poll shows that 63% of Americans want the Senate to hold a hearing on a Supreme Court nominee this year.
So not only are Republican leaders refusing to do their job, but they’re ignoring the will of the people. If you or I did that at our jobs, I’m sure there would be big consequences.
In Solidarity,
Richard Trumka
President, AFL-CIO
note: I am not too thrilled at this pick, but obama has the right to nominate