Wednesday, November 5, 2008

meeting notes Nov 08

We helt election. The current officers won reelection. Trustees whom won: Jerry, Bill and John D.

We did talk abit about the elections: McCain won in Missouri by a couple thousand votes (less than the totals for Ralph Nader by the way). Nixon won governer by wide majority. Good job folks whom voted and our thanks.

We did vote to "reup" our membership with the Alliance of Retired Americans.

December meeting will see our renewal of "goals" for the next couple years.

Note: although we did do well in elections, we should not take change for granted. Change will only occur if folks have the will to continue to reform. Far too often things of importance fall by the wayside because we are complacient.

We will have to double down and demand a universal health bill be passed like Hb 676. We are going to have to demand justice in insurance. Our work is far from done.

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