Sunday, May 31, 2009

Max is in the money, healthcare industry blood money


This deals with our friend, Max Baucus. Guy did a great job of kicking out supporters of single payer health care from the hearings:

According to, over his career he has taken donations from:
The Insurance Industry: $1,170,313
Health Professionals: $1,016,276
Pharmaceuticals/Health Products Industry: $734,605
Hospitals/Nursing Homes: $541,891
Health Services/HMOs: $439,700
(almost $4 million alone from health care industry)

In 2008 alone:

Insurance: $592,185
Health Professionals: $537,141
Pharmaceuticals/Health Products: $524,813
Health Services/HMOs: $364,500
Hospitals/Nursing Homes: $332,826

--------------couple of other top donors--------------------------
Securities and investment: $831,350
Lobbist: $374,247
Now, we all know that folks can take money from total strangers and still be objective. I am certain Max is that. Max should certainly "excuse" himself as chair when they have more hearings on health care.

Yes, it seems America has the best leaders money can buy. By the way Max, you keeping track of the Americans who die each day for lack of healthcare? You keeping track of the Americans killed by the insurance companies for denial of just claims?

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