Saturday, April 14, 2012

NRA convention: Wisconsin governor asks for help in recall election

NRA convention: Wisconsin governor asks for help in recall election

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ST. LOUIS • Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker touted his support for hunting and gun rights Friday and asked for help in a June recall election, saying "I have become a target."

Walker spoke during the first full day of the National Rifle Association’s annual convention, being held in downtown St. Louis. The conservative organization is a friendly assembly for Walker, who faces energetic nationwide opposition by labor and liberal groups in the Wisconsin recall election on June 5.

"The advocates of big government view me as a threat. They want to take me out," Walker said. "Our opponents are targeting me because I stand in their way of getting their hands on money and power."
Walker said the recall has national significance and warned, "if I fail in June, it sets us back at least a decade if not a generation."

Walker, a Republican who was elected governor of Wisconsin in November 2010, quickly became a national figure by championing a new state law that sharply curbs union rights for most public employees. After conducting sit-ins and demonstrations at the state capitol, labor groups and Democratic organizations circulated petitions to force a recall.

In March, the state election authority certified there were enough valid signatures and ordered the unusual special election.

Under Wisconsin law, both parties will choose nominees on May 8. Walker has no serious opposition in the GOP primary. The leading Democratic candidates are Milwaukee Mayor Tom Barrett and the former Dane County Executive Kathleen Falk.
Walker never mentioned his

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