Saturday, August 25, 2012

Editorial: After Akin, then what? GOP needs moderating influence : Stltoday

Editorial: After Akin, then what? GOP needs moderating influence : Stltoday



That's a question that should be pondered by U.S. Sen. Roy Blunt, and former Sens. John Ashcroft, Christopher "Kit" Bond and John C. Danforth. Those four men, the elder statesmen of the Missouri Republican Party, urged Mr. Akin to leave the race against Democratic incumbent Claire McCaskill in the aftermath of Mr. Akin's horribly wrong statement about what he called "legitimate rape."

The cynic would see their failed attempt to push Mr. Akin out of the race as pure political survival, separating their party from the albatross that Mr. Akin has become to save the rest of their statewide ticket.

Missourians, whatever their political persuasion, should hope there's more to it than that. These four men have records of leadership far different than the extremism of Mr. Akin and the demagoguery embodied by many others in their party today.


bipartisanism is a myth.  only in true crisis mode does this occur.

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