Saturday, November 10, 2012

How to get ready for 2016

How to get ready for 2016

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So, if change within the parties is relatively easy, what can you do? Here are six suggestions:

1. Pick a presidential candidate soon, and start supporting her or him right away. OK, this is probably the weakest one, but I still have to include it. If your candidate of choice is not running yet, make a draft-the-candidate Web page, and spread the word using whatever tools you have. No, it’s not too early. Many candidates have already started running or are deciding soon what to do; it’s hard to be sure, but there’s a fair chance that Mitt Romney probably sewed up his nomination by the 2010 midterms. Party actors get involved now, not in 2016.

2. Begin planning to push the 2016 candidates to commit on an issue you care about. Have an issue that you believe your party was wrong about, or one where your party just didn’t take a visible stand? Start planning – now – to change that. Find out who else cares about the issue — there’s probably already an organized group around it; if not, get one started yourself. There’s a long history of ordinary citizens forming their own groups to promote an issue and succeeding brilliantly.

3. Don’t wait for 2016: Congress matters, and the next round of House and Senate primary elections begins in about 16 months. -----------
note:  save lots of money in case the need to relocate--not on list

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