Monday, February 4, 2013

GOP to Reid: Thanks for caving on filibuster reform, we will now destroy the Consumer Financial Protection Board

GOP to Reid: Thanks for caving on filibuster reform, we will now destroy the Consumer Financial Protection Board

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The story begins by quoting Republicans, who have objections to the board, and then quoting Democrats, who say they think the board is a good thing. Towards the end is the part that should’ve been near the top, along with some indication that it’s an insane state of affairs:
For the most part, Republicans and business groups have said they do not oppose Cordray personally, saying he has been accessible and the bureau has tried to incorporate comments from both industry and consumer advocates in its rules.
But the senators said “common sense reforms” are needed before they will confirm anyone to lead the bureau.
In other words, 43 Republicans — not a majority of the Senate, at all — have pledged to block the appointment of someone they have no real issue with, because they are demanding the right to change the structure of the agency entirely before they will allow it to function. A small minority in one of America’s two Congressional bodies is demanding the right to fundamentally rewrite, on their own terms, a law passed by both houses and signed by the president, because they really dislike it. That’s not normal, “what are you gonna do?” politics. That’s setting an insane precedent.

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