Tuesday, October 1, 2013

canadian crown cork strike

Crown, Cork and Seal Forces Workers On Strike TORONTO, 6 September 2013 – Because of unreasonable demands to cut employee benefits, pension issues and the setting up of a two-tiered wage system, the 130 workers at Crown, Cork and Seal reluctantly when out on strike this morning. Members of United Steelworkers (USW) Local 9176 have a long and proud history of working hard and producing quality cans that are used for beer, soda pop and many other uses. “Our members are united and determined to get a fair deal. We have always worked hard, given this company a fair-day’s sweat and worked together on issues of mutual concern. However, these dramatic and crushing cuts are an affront to our members’ goodwill and hard work,” said Ken Hetherton, President of USW Local 9176. “Our families deserve the respect and decency of being dealt with fairly and reasonably. All we are asking for is a fair day’s pay for a fair day’s work,” added Hetherton. Contacts: Ken Hetherton, President, USW Local 9176, 416-890-0118 Lawrence Hay, USW Staff Represenative, 416-807-8792 / 416-977-7274, lhay@usw.ca Tony DePaulo, Assistant to USW District 6 Director, 905-869-0760 / 416-243-8792 --------- ask the soar 11-3 crown cork seal retirees (continental can before buyout) what they think in st. louis about their ex employer. earmuffs necessary for safety reasons

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