Wednesday, January 8, 2014

GOP’s moral conundrum on unemployment: Time to call their bluff!

GOP’s moral conundrum on unemployment: Time to call their bluff!



By way of background: as late as Tuesday morning it wasn’t at all clear whether Senate Republicans would even allow a debate on a bill that would briefly extend emergency unemployment benefits. GOP leaders wanted to kill it on the first test vote, and actually thought they had the votes to do so.

Here’s Republican whip, Sen. John Cornyn, R-Texas, on the Senate floor Monday night, when over a dozen members were waylaid in their home states due to inclement weather:
“If this was anything other than a political exercise, the majority leader would have rescheduled this vote when we did not have 17 members of the United States Senate unable to be here and vote on this. So I have no doubt as to what the outcome is going to be on this cloture vote, but it’s purely a scheduling matter, I believe, and this ought to be postponed to a later time.”
Well, Harry Reid called his bluff, and on Tuesday morning, Democrats broke the first filibuster, which means in a few days, Republicans will have to decide whether they want to allow the bill to pass.

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