Wednesday, December 2, 2015

“You people are just lying. How stupid do you think we are?” Larry Wilmore delivers the epic Trump takedown the political press hasn’t managed

“You people are just lying. How stupid do you think we are?” Larry Wilmore delivers the epic Trump takedown the political press hasn’t managed



“How many of these black pastors—or ‘blastors,’ how many of these blastors endorsed him?” Wilmore asked. “I’m saying 85, 75 on a bad day.” In the end, the number was more like three. “OK, three black endorsements? ‘Blendorsments?’ That’s not bad. Three black endorsements out of 42 million black people…. carry the Omarosa…Wow! Man, he’s got a ways to go, guys.
“But I’m surprised these numbers are so low. I don’t understand,” Wilmore said. “I was under the impression that Trump had a great relationship with the blacks.” He then played clips of Trump explaining over and over again how Trump has “a great relationship with ‘the blacks.'” Trump can’t possibly be wrong because he has the best memory in the world.
If that’s not bad enough, Wilmore then attacked Trump for making fun of a New York Times reporter. Trump admits no wrongdoing; in fact, he’s demanding an apology from the Times, for what possible reason is still unclear. “Why should I believe you’re sensitive to disabled people? You literally just released a book that is titled ‘Crippled America,'” Wilmore said.

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