Saturday, February 13, 2016

Missouri Superdelegates that are pledged to Clinton. Let's contact them. : Missouri4Sanders

Missouri Superdelegates that are pledged to Clinton. Let's contact them. : Missouri4Sanders:

click link

"Here is a list of Missouri's superdelegates who are already pledged to Clinton. I want us to directly contact these people and ask them to listen to the people. Hopefully, by doing so, we can change some of their minds.
Doug Brooks

 - DNC
William Lacy Clay Jr. -

Emanuel Cleaver II

- Congress
Melba Curls -

Dick Gephardt -

 Clair McCaskill - Senate

Jay Nixon - Governor

Sandy Querry - DNC

 Brian Wahby - DNC"

note:  if superdelegates swing state despite popular vote, woe to the dems in the future.

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