Following issues and politics in St. Louis area from the retired "Steelworker" view. Politics will be the main theme, but news of the group and Steelworkers will also be followed.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Americans United for Change TV ad : 'PSA: The GOP, Big Insurance Are Aft...
Medicare/medicaid will be the big fights this year and next. I thought we won last time around.
something stinks. No way the Gop can run this thru unless the dems want something. Question: do the dems want something of cuts?
time to ask your fearless leader, do you really wish to cut medicare or social security. do not accept standard bull dropping answer. Personally speaking, most of the answers I have recieved from our leaders would fill a small book with inane mutterings that do not reveal any clues what the leaders think or how they will vote.
Yes, everything on the table; including their jobs. and yes, I did post the short in an earlier post
Welcome to my blog. As a member of the St. Louis chapter of the Retired Steelworkers and a member of the Alliance for Retired Americans, I can say without a doubt groups are busy in the St. Louis area. This blog is a modest effort to inform members and the general public of some of our activities and concerns. I will also "soapbox" areas and issues.
We see the solution to many of the woes of the St. Louis area as economic and political. St. Louis has a myrid of problems, but a strong economy with responsible leaders would help greatly in the solution to these woes. Alas, such is lacking on several levels with many of the "civil leaders" squabbling like children or worse, taking care of special interests instead of the public. Business leaders? get real, many of these so called leaders shame the term "Captains of Industry".
Once the St. Louis area was a leader in many areas. Now, some of the area can be compared to Third world areas with no problems what so ever.
That is unacceptable.
I take full responsibily for contents of this blog
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