Wednesday, August 17, 2011

resolution Soar


Officers and membership affirm the following:

We shall not support any effort to cut Social Security benefits, Medicare or Medicaid benefits currently being debated by our political leaders nor shall we support any institution advocating such cuts. We shall withhold any political or financial support to "cutters" of these programs now and in the future.

Social Security or Medicare did not contribute to the budget crisis and to hold hostage these programs is insane and unneeded.

What did contribute to the problem, unpaid wars, tax cuts for upper income and corporate welfare, out sourcing jobs, trade laws none of which are being addressed. Negotiation of drug prices would save billions over the next decade. Bringing home troops from Iraq would also save tremendous amounts. Going back to Clinton tax rates would save billions and more

Balancing the books on the backs of ourselves, our children and grandchildren will not be tolerated.

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