Monday, November 5, 2012

McMahon throwing Romney under the bus? | Connecticut | onPolitix

McMahon throwing Romney under the bus? | Connecticut | onPolitix

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The series of Connecticut rallies comes as the McMahon campaign is launching a new TV ad aimed at Obama voters.

The McMahon tv ad says, "I'm supporting President Obama and Linda McMahon," "I'll be voting for Barack Obama and Linda McMahon," "I'm voting for President Obama and Linda McMahon on the independent line."
In reaction State GOP chairman Jerry Labriola said "I support our Republican ticket and I'm working hard to elect Governor Romney in Connecticut. Other than that I have no comment."

News 8's Chief Political Correspondent Mark Davis asked voters, "Don't you think she's throwing Mitt Romney under the bus?"

"No, no, not at all because that isn't her intention. She's just asking people that already have their mind set for Obama that, hey, it doesn't mean you can't vote for me," Marie Krzeminski of New Haven said.

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