Thursday, November 1, 2012

Romnopoly ad in Ohio - video & transcript

Romnopoly ad in Ohio - video & transcript



To Mitt Romney your job and our economy are just a game  Romnopoly.  
You don't have to wait to find out what a Romney presidency would mean.
 'Let Detroit Go Bankrupt' - if your mad get rich from a little help from government.  Then you can tell everyone else they are on their own, like he did these guys:
They promised us Healthcare packages, they promised to maintain our retirement program and those were the first two things that disappeared.

These people told us that the plant is now closed and all of you are fired.  
Mitt Romney acts like there are two sets of rules, one set for us and one set for millionaires and billionaires .  Come tax day he just plays the loophole card.  Can't afford the tax breaks for millionaires, guess we will just have to mortgage our children's future. It's not a game worth playing
If Mitt Romney wins, the middle class loses.
Voice of Mitt Romney "It's fun isn't it?


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